Are the Disabled Eligible for VAT Relief?

This is a question we hear all the time. While it’s distressing that the government hasn’t done a better job informing the disabled of their eligibility for VAT relief, where they’ve been ambiguous we’ll help you in a simpler way. The short answer to the question above in the title of this article is “Yes, disabled citizens are eligible for several types of VAT relief.” Below we’ll show you ‘what’ and ‘how’.
VAT Relief is Available and Easy to Claim
If you suffer from a disability or long-term illness you may be eligible for VAT relief on products designed to assist you in the conduct of your everyday life. These include but are not necessarily limited to:
Stair lifts.
Adjustable beds.
Wheelchairs both manual and motorized.
Various types of low vision aids like braille paper.
Motability vehicles and/or some motor vehicles.
Daily living aids, such as shower stools
Incontinence wear
Extra wide footwear
Likewise you may be able to avoid VAT tax on home adaptations including wheelchair ramps, handicapped toilets, installing chair lifts on the stairway and widening of doors throughout the house.
Qualifying for VAT Relief
In order to receive VAT relief you’ll need to qualify your disability. For the purposes of HMRC you are considered disabled if:
You suffer a mental or physical impairment such as blindness that negatively affects your ability to perform everyday functions or carry out everyday activities.
You are afflicted with a chronic, debilitating medical condition such as diabetes.
You suffer from a terminal illness.
Keep in mind that natural impairments that come with aging don’t typically qualify and neither do temporary illnesses, medical conditions or other short-term disabilities. Your condition will also need to be confirmed by a qualified medical practitioner, although you don’t need to ask a medical practitioner to complete a VAT declaration (you can self certify or complete a form on someone else’s behalf).
You save yourself £££s on several products that we sell, just by filling out a simple form. Find out more in the middle pages of our catalogue and start getting 20% lower prices on a wide range of products. It’s even easier when you order online: you’ll get the chance to opt for the lower prices each time you checkout.
Relief on Imported Goods
If you need to import goods or products to deal with your disability you may also be exempt from paying VAT on them as well. Qualifying goods would include those intended to aid the blind or those with significant vision impairment. Just make sure the package is marked “Goods for the disabled: Relief Claimed”. Also, if you need help with paperwork just ask the shipping company.
Don’t get left holding the tax bill for no reason. Much needed relief from Value Added Tax is just a couple of simple steps away. If you’d like to talk to us about our qualifying products and services, simply fill out the form here or call us on 01353 667722.